Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday 11/26/08

Sue continues to rebound. Here are some highlights:

- She moved her arms to hug me today
- Her memory is waxing and waning. She remembers something one day but does not recollect it another day. Overall her memory seems to be coming back.
- Sue had many focal seizures today, despite being on Verdant drip, Keppra, and Dilantin.
- The Neurologist switched her off Verdant and onto Phenobarbital today. I think they are discountuing Dilantin as the levels in her blood are not high enough.
- Making progress on the ventolator. But she shook her head when i asked her if she wanted us to take it out. Earlier in the day she was looking forward to getting it out. She is tiring since the Phenobarbital is kicking in.
- Moving legs today.
- Very alert and aware of many things today. Able to turn head to look at doctors and nurse on either side of bed. Also tracking for Doctors now.

1 comment:

Dr. Wendy said...

Jpb, This is very encouraging!!! I am confident that the BID docs will get her on the right combination/doses of anticonvulsants soon, and her mental status will continue to improve as she becomes seizure-free. I am sure they are hesitant to extubate her while she is still demonstrating some seizure activity. But I don't think they will have difficulty getting her off the ventilator if she remains alert. She is requiring minimal oxygen support which shows her lungs are functioning well. Her brain has been through a lot with the infection, the seizures, and all of the meds, so I would expect some intermittent confusion but it sounds as if this is getting better by the day.

Today I will give thanks for the signs of Sue's recovery. And thank you to Kristi for saving my friend's life. Jpb, my thoughts are with you and your familty today.