Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekend Update

Posted by Melissa Bartick, M.D.

Susan's come a long way in just a couple of days. I saw her both Friday and today. On Friday, she got her electrodes removed, which had been attached to her head since she first got sick. Today, she had her telemetry leads removed. Today, for the first time, she walked a few steps to the shower in her room, with the nurse and I assisting her. She had her first shower in a month!

In just 2 days, she has gained alot of strength and dexterity in her hands, doing things today that she could not do on Friday. She was even able to stand for a moment unassisted. On Friday, it was tough for her just to transfer and sit in a chair, but today, she was in a chair and looked great. She is still on alot of medication to prevent seizures, so her speech is a little slower it normally is, but she is coming along.

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